Autumn Produce & Craft Show 2019
Saturday 14th September 2019, Carnon Downs Village Hall
Come along to the Autumn Produce & Craft Show in the Village Hall on Saturday 14th September. We have tried to ensure there are a wide range of classes so hopefully there should be something for everyone as well as children's classes (children will also get prize money as well as a certificate!).
The entry fee is 25p per class (only one entry per class)
The entry form can be downloaded here in Word and emailed to us at carnondownsvillage@gmail.com or printed out here and filled in by hand and returned to St Kilda's, Forth Coth, Carnon Downs by Monday 9th September 2019.
Entry forms and schedules can be downloaded using the purple link below. Also available from Carnon Downs Village Market in June, July and August.
The classes are as follows:
Will be judged in 3 age groups, based on age on the day of the show;
a) Under 5’s b) Age 6 to 8, c) Age 9 to 12.
An animal made from a vegetable
A decorated cupcake
A decorated egg
A creature made out of recycled materials
A lego creation, not from a kit
A mini garden (no bigger than A4/ seed tray size)
A Painted Pebble
Tallest Sunflower – if not transportable to the village hall, judges will visit entries within the Feock Parish, to measure and photograph on Friday 13th September. Please ensure a telephone number is given to enable us to arrange this.
Vanilla Victoria Sandwich Cake (7inch/ 18cm tin, no fresh cream)
A 2lb Loaf cake (e.g. tea/carrot/banana)
A Medium Meat Pasty
A White Loaf of Bread
A Seasonal fruit pie
Biscuits/cookies x 4
In the interest of hygiene, please leave all cookery exhibits covered. Judges will remove and replace the covers. Please label with key ingredients/flavourings.
A jar of Jam – any fruit
A jar of Marmalade
A jar of Chutney
A jar of pickles – any vegetable
All should be homemade within the past 12 months and clearly labelled with key ingredients
Beans, any climbing variety. Six on a plate
Leeks, two of any variety.
Tomatoes, any variety. Four on a plate
Apples, any variety, eating or cooking. Four on a plate
Autumn Fruit Bowl. Can be garden grown, hedgerow or a mixture.
Any giant Vegetable.
Bad plastic or plastic waste
Waters edge or seashore
All dressed up
Animals and birds
Kitchen utensils
Ways to travel
Colour or Black and White, unmounted, maximum 7x5
A crocheted garment
A needlework item
A knitted garment
A landscape painting in any medium (no larger than 16x20inches, 40x50cm)
A piece of pottery or ceramics
Entries must have been produced in the past 12 months.
Autumn themed flower arrangement (max 12” wide)
A potted cactus/succulent
An arrangement of 3 seasonal homegrown flowers
A Potted houseplant
A Tied green garden foliage arrangement
Tallest Sunflower – if not transportable to the village hall, judges will visit entries within the Feock Parish, to measure and photograph on Friday 13th September. Please ensure a telephone number is given to enable us to arrange this.
Adults fun/novelty
A creature made out of recycled materials
A misshapen vegetable
An animal made from a vegetable
A knitted/crocheted novelty item